Diesel Tuner's Blog

5 Essential LLY (2004.5 - 2005 Duramax) Upgrades!

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 7, 2016 11:17:45 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in LLY Tuning, LLY Mods, lly performance, LLY Intake, LLY

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Essential 2004.5 and 2005 Duramax Upgrades



LLY is the code used for Duramax motors used in 2004.5 and 2005 HD trucks.  Although they introduced improvements from the 2001-2004 on the LB7 motor, there are a few essential upgrades every owner should consider.  (That is assuming an LLY owner would want more power, lower EGT's and better efficiency.)

Before diving into the pitfalls of an LLY, here are a few of the improvements brought to market when they were released.

  • Injectors outside of the heads provided much easier replacement
  • Improved injector design much more reliable than its predecessor 
  • Variable Vane Turbo technology provides better spool up and wider power band
  • Largest frame turbo of any Duramax motor to date

After years of testing this motor and countless upgrades, there are at least 5 essential upgrades every LLY could use.

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Pre-Tuned DSP5 ECM

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 23, 2016 5:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in dsp, dsp5, SPADE, ECM, AutoCal, Pre-Tuned

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What happened to Pre-Tuned ECMs?

When EFILive first came out there was no AutoCal.  Flashing had to be done in person with a V2 or in the very early years a V1 cable.  This left remote tuners a set of challenges.  How do you provide custom tuning remotely?  Of course, the answer was Pre-Tuned DSP5 ECMs.  The lynch pin of making the Pre-Tuned ECM program work was a steady supply of good core ECMs.  This meant the only downtime truck owners had was the time it takes to swap ECMs.  

There are a few critical downsides to Pre-Tuned ECMs though.  The first being a long term availability for good cores.  As years pass and more trucks are tuned and older ECMs are crashed and lost, cores disappear.  The OEM's do not provide an affordable replacement option and after a while, the cost of cores out weigh the benefits of Pre-Tuned DSP5 ECMs.  Another drawback is the ability, or lack there of, to verify the quality of each core module.  Many will take a flash with the bench harness and still show problems when installed.  

  • Easy to install
  • Minimal downtime
  • Relies on Core ECM program
  • Unable to test reliability of Cores

SPADE stands for Standalone Programming And Diagnostic Equipment.  It is also known as an AutoCal.  The hardware is manufactured and provided by EFILive and custom DuramaxTuner.com or Calibrated Power tunes are loaded onto them.  The SPADE is a very easy to use hand held tool that allows you to flash custom built EFILive tunes and data log, and read/clear most codes.  

 Request More Information about the SPADE

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1,045 RWHP Duraburb

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 17, 2016 4:47:54 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Duramax, Stealth 64, Duraburb, twin turbo

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1,045 RWHP Duramax Powered Suburban



"There are few things in life more badass than a 1050rwhp Suburban.  I can't say enough good things about the team that made it happen.  Between my shop guys burning the midnight oil, Bob tuning it, and our awesome vendors Exergy and WcFab.  This thing is incredible." -Nick Priegnitz

This 2004 Suburban was originally converted to run a 2006, LBZ Duramax at Duraburb in Apopka, FL.  Back then, the truck had just a built trans, small drop-in turbo and stock CP3.  Now, it's a tire shredding, family hauling, quarter-mile blasting MONSTER!


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Custom Tractor Tuning for Deep Ripping

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 14, 2016 4:40:37 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in new holland, tractor tuning, tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, tillage, deep ripping, custom tuning

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Deep Ripping Requires Power:

Many tractors that are used for heavy tillage that work in the fall are also used for heavy work throughout the season.  Anyone who has pulled an a large tillage tool knows how much stress it puts on a tractor.  So the large tractor that has plenty of power to do general work during the rest of the year can feel dramatically be under powered while deep ripping.  Especially if you have decided to run a larger implement this season.  This leaves many farmers looking for a safe solution.  They need a bump in power, not something to make their equipment breakdown.   Custom Tractor Tuning for Deep Ripping, Tillage work, or other strenuous activity is available through the Power Manager allowing farmers to take full advantage of the power available in their tractor or combine. 


Other Tractor Related Articles:

Read More About Custom Tractor Tuning

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Free 3 Year Membership to Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 14, 2016 3:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, new holland, case ih, tractor tuner

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Helping Ohio Farmers:

In an effort to help Ohio farmers and Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association (OCW), Calibrated Power is offering a FREE 3 year membership to OCW with the purchase of a Power Manager or Power Manager Plus. 


This means that if you are farmer in Ohio, you can tune a tractor that already needed the extra power and we will pay OCW the $199 for a 3 year membership. 

Read More About Custom Tractor Tuning

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Diesel Performance Podcast: P0700, Allison Trouble Shooting

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 11, 2016 6:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in DT750, Transmission Duramax, P0700, Allison, Trouble Shooting

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Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 10, 2016 2:53:49 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in tractor tuner, OCW, Farm

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P0700 Codes in your LB7 and LLY

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 7, 2016 11:50:41 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in DT750, Transmission Duramax, P0700, TCM, Allison, Trouble Shooting

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2001 - 2004.5 Allison 1000 Trouble Shooting

The Allison 1000 5 Speed transmission came in 2001 - 2004.5 heavy duty Chevy and GMC trucks.  At the time it came out it was cutting edge.  Smoother shifting and more robust than almost any other transmission that came from the factory.  

However, they do have a reputation for having issues once power and abuse have been added to the truck.  Most commonly they go into "Limp Mode" during the 4 to 5 upshift or 5 to 4 downshift under hard acceleration.  This will cause a check engine light to come up on your dash and the truck to be limited by power and speed.  When this happens the most reported code is P0700.  GM defines PO700 as Transmission Control Module Requested MIL Illumination.  Simply said, it's a general code for transmission issues and generally is accompanied by another code such as P0701, P0702, and so on.  

Many truck owners' first reaction is to replace the Transmission Control Module (TCM) as soon as this code pops up.  The reality is further diagnosis is needed to tell what the issue is and the best way to resolve it.  Never jump to conclusions and always take into consideration the circumstances behind the issue prior to the code coming up.  

Where can you learn more about P0700 codes in your Duramax?

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The Beginners Guide to Diesel Drag Racing

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 28, 2016 9:25:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in New Diesel, drag racing, beginners guide, 101

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Thinking of Drag Racing your diesel pickup? Here is what you should know first:

The NHRDA (National Hot Rod Diesel Association) has several sanctioned events throughout the year.  Hosting the best drivers in the diesel industry running the fastest diesel powered trucks/vehicles in North America.  Many of the trucks entered are being piloted by someone with years of seat time and experience.  

However, most truck owners will not build a truck capable of competing with these record setting drag racers.  Furthermore, many owners simply do not have the available resources to gain years of experience and hundreds if not thousands of passes it takes to become a Pro.  

There are a few things you can focus on if you are new to diesel drag racing scene that may dramatically help! 
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Schedule a DYNO appointment today!

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 27, 2016 4:13:41 PM / by Danny Voss posted in dsp5, LLY, LML, Diesel Tuning, LBZ, LB7

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What is the the best tool a diesel enthusiast could ever ask for; a Mustang 4WD Chassis Dynamometer.  Why is that?  An 4WD Chassis Dyno gives you the ability to see exactly what your truck is capable of.  It also provides tuners the safe and controlled enviroment required to test calibrations and dial in your truck to best running condition.  Which in turn, gives you a truck that not only makes big power, drives as smooth as possible and gives you insight to when and how your truck performs at it's best.  

  • Find your PEAK Horse Power and Torque
  • Get the smoothest running truck possible
  • Gain insight into how and when your truck performs it's best

Many people have estimated horse power and torque numbers based on what someone else has told them.  A Chassis Dyno gives you the ability to know exactly how much power you have at the wheels.  No guessing or estimating involved since a dyno is a measurement tool at it's core.  

Beyond peak power, there is drive-ability to consider when you have a heavily modified truck.  Any tuner can make the peak power number, the difference between them is how the truck drives on the street.  Smoke output, shift points, throttle response and so much else can be dialed in when you are strapped to a dyno for testing.    

Diesel truck owners often want more RPM.  The logic here is that RPM equals power.  However, a chasis dyno gives you a clear picture of where and when your truck makes peak power.  When it comes to competing with your truck, this is crucial!  Diesel guys know all too well how close sled pulling or drag racing can be, so every possible edge really matters.  


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