Diesel Tuner's Blog

Adding Power to Your Farming Equipment: The Benefits of Custom Ag Tuning

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 5, 2025 4:19:56 PM / by Ben Lawson posted in Tuner for Combine, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, tractor, Combine, Tuner for tractor, Farm

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As a farmer, you know that your equipment is the backbone of your operation. Whether you’re planting, harvesting, or hauling, having the right power to get the job done is crucial. But what if you could add power to your existing equipment without the hefty price tag of upgrading to a more powerful model? Enter Custom Ag Tuning—the easy, effective way to increase performance, improve efficiency, and keep your equipment running strong.

Why Add Power to Your Farming Equipment?

The demands on your tractors and combines are high, and sometimes the power provided by stock equipment just isn’t enough. Whether you’re running a larger implement, climbing steep hills, hauling heavy loads, or navigating through tough, wet terrain, your machinery needs to work hard—and you need it to work efficiently.

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3 Ways New Tech Helps Farmers!

[fa icon="calendar'] May 31, 2018 12:00:00 PM / by Justin Tyson posted in Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, Tuner for Versatile, Harvest, Combine, Farm

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Times they are changing. Everything seems to be moving in the direction of "smart" technology. While this seems like an annoyance living in a world of folks glued to smartphones and using an app for everything, it also has it's advantages when it comes to the modern farmer.


Smart farming is bringing the farmer what he needs to push his yield and his land's productivity past where it traditionally performs. These days we see combines manipulating calibrations to help achieve less time in the field while saving on fuel costs. This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many different aspects in which the world of agriculture is moving.

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4 Questions Every Farmer Asks About Tractor Tuning

[fa icon="calendar'] May 23, 2018 12:00:00 PM / by Justin Tyson posted in Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, Harvest, Combine, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, Agriculture

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Farmers all around the country have utilized box programmers or other various items for tuning their tractors. With tractors becoming more and more electronic based, the need for tuning your combine has gone up. It can be overwhelming if it's something new to you and your equipment, so let's dive into the most common questions asked in regards to up-rating your tractor with a custom programmer.

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How Tractors Measure EGT's?

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 27, 2017 2:24:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, tractor, Combine, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, EGT, High EGT's

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How Tractors Measure Exhaust Gas Temperatures

Have you ever noticed that some OEM's do not install an EGT (exhaust gas temperature) probe on the manifold?  Any performance diesel gear head will tell you it's the best place to measure EGT's giving you the  most accurate insight to any immediate stress on the motor.  

Spiking EGT's in the manifold could be a symptom of many different problems including low boost, failing injectors, airflow restriction, EGR failure, etc.  All of these failures signify a lit fuse that ultimately ends in engine failure if left unchecked.  Clearly it's important to monitor EGT's, right!?  

The problem with installing a probe from the manufacturer stand point is the life expectancy of the probe.  Seeing extreme temperatures and still measuring accurately for the life of the service life requires high quality probes (read: expensive).  

Never fear, manufacturers have come a long way in measuring temperatures (and cutting costs).  In fact many feel no real need for a probe favoring a dynamic EGT model instead.



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3 Reasons Farmers Love Combine Tuning

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 10, 2016 3:13:17 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Mods, What should i do first, Emissions, What can I do to get better fuel mileage?, john deere, Power, Emisssions Intact Tuning, case, new holland, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, Making horse power with, Tuner for Versatile, Harvest, tractor, versatile, Combine, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case

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Harvest is one of the busiest times of year for farmers.  One thing no farmer should have to deal with during this time is an under powered combine.  Lugging up hills, slowing down the system, and in general costing the operation money can be enough to drive you nuts!  

Each year, just after harvest, we take an influx of calls inquiring about adding horsepower to combines.  Farmers tend to be detail orientated, and have a lot of questions before tuning any equipment.  Which is totally understandable, combines are not exactly cheap and they are one of the most crucial components of a successful harvest. 


If you think tuning a combine is crazy, take a look at the 3 most common reasons we find farmers love combine tuning.  

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Shift Up, Throttle Back Review

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 15, 2016 2:39:06 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Emissions, john deere, Add blue, DPF Intact, DPF ON, New Diesel, Power, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, Tuner for Versatile, Urea, Harvest, tractor, versatile, Combine, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case

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Shift Up, Throttle Back, What is it?

Many farmers run their large 4WD tractors while performing tillage work. Generally they find a gear that lets them achieve a desired ground speed and run at WOT. This practice will get the job done, no question. However, operators may see the Gallons Per Hour go up while this work is performed. This is a result of the tractor running more RPM than neccessary for the drawbar requirement. The amount of power needed for most drabar activities is probably not the peak power output of the tractor. This excessive RPM operation is the root cause of wasted fuel.  Good news though: Iowa State University, University Extension studied the "Shift Up, Throttle Back" strategy and have given suggestions on how to save fuel.  In fact, during testing some tractors measured up to a 20% reduction in fuel useage.


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5 Reasons to tune your combine before harvest

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 24, 2016 8:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Mods, What should i do first, Emissions, What can I do to get better fuel mileage?, john deere, Power, Emisssions Intact Tuning, case, new holland, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, Making horse power with, Tuner for Versatile, Harvest, tractor, versatile, Combine, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case

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Harvest is one of the busiest times of year for farmers. Trying to get the crop in before the weather turns, managing employees and rushing to get a myriad of tasks done can be daunting. One thing no farmer should have to deal with during this busy time is an under performing combine. Lugging up hills, slowing down the system, and in general costing the operation money.  This does not have to be the situation for you this fall!

Each year, just after harvest, we take an influx of calls inquiring about adding horsepower to combines. Farmers tend to be detail orientated, and have a lot of questions before tuning any equipment. Which is totally understandable, combines are not exactly cheap and they are one of the most crucial components of a successful harvest. 

A few questions come up in every conversation about tuning a combine. Below, I hope to provide answers to the most common questions about combine tuning. 

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