Diesel Tuner's Blog

The First 4 Upgrades To Do On 3rd Gen 5.9L Cummins

Aug 23, 2022 9:32:29 AM / by Ben Lawson posted in EFILive, Cummins, Cummins Turbo, Cummins Diesel, Diesel Tuning, 2003 Cummins Tuning, 2006 Cummins Tuning, 2004 Cummins Tuning, 2005 Cummins Tuning, Cummins Tuning, 2004.5 Cummins






These are the first 4 upgrades you should make to your 2003-2007, 5.9L Cummins.

If you're just getting into the diesel game with a third-generation Cummins 5.9L you're on the right track. While people say the 12v motors are great for being able to handle lots of power and having lots of upgrades. The 24v is also a very solid choice for both of those same reasons. With more hp from stock than the 12v motors and some beefy internals, like forged rods that can handle over 800hp. There is lots of potential to be had. 

It's a great truck from the factory, but if you're anything like the rest of us you're not interested in keeping it stock. Especially with the number of bolt-on upgrades available for the 5.9L. Why not make a great truck even better? Today we will show you the first 4 mods you should do to your 5.9L Cummins turbo diesel. 


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How To: Clear Trouble Codes with EFILive AutoCal / SPADE

Oct 25, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in EFILive, SPADE, AutoCal, how to


This article will walk you through the procedure required to clear DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) with your EFILive AutoCal or SPADE programming tool.  

Trucks that this procedure is applicable for:

If you do not have an AutoCal or SPADE and need one, visit our website: https://duramaxtuner.com

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Does the'11-'16 Duramax DPF rob you of horsepower?

Oct 11, 2017 9:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in EFILive, LML, Diesel Tuning, LML Tuning, LML Power


No need to delete emissions to make power!  

Many people looking to make more power with a 2011 - 2016 LML Duramax think an aftermarket exhaust is required to make power.  This is simply not true!  Countless people reach over 500 RWHP with just the LML SPADE and a lift pump.  

Above you can see the dyno graph from our DPF ON sled pull truck.  Named #DTCleanSweep because this truck has "swept away" plenty of deleted trucks on the sled pull track.  It sounds quiet, it runs clean, and it kicks some ass!  This 2012 Duramax makes great power with the emissions equipment still working.  While this truck has a few more upgrades than your normal street truck, it does definitely proves you can make power with the stock exhaust. 

Keep in mind this truck came to us deleted, and was returned to stock.  We had a chance to test it with both setups.  Truth be told, the deleted version made less than 5% more power.  Not enough to notice from the driver seat and obviously not enough to cost us anything at the track. 


The most common myths about making power with an LML Duramax:

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3 Things Your 600HP LB7 Build Must Have

Jun 14, 2017 8:50:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Duramax Performance, dsp5, EFILive, Duramax Power, LB7, SPADE, Fass, Lift Pump, CTS2


Your 600HP Duramax Needs These 3 Things:

There are a lot of part combinations that can take your 2001-2004 Duramax to 600HP.  No matter what selections you make, there are 3 things you have to include if you want to keep your truck healthy and making power.

Here are some other articles about LB7 trucks:

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MM3 or EFILive for your 2016 Cummins?

May 5, 2017 10:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in EFILive, 2013 Cummins, 2015 Cummins, 2014 Cummins, Smarty MM3, MM3, 2016 Cummins, 2017 Cummins




What is the best tuning for a 2016 Cummins?


This is a common question these days.  Many Cummins owners like you understand the importance of high quality, custom tuning.  However, figuring out which custom tuning platform is best for you can be complicated.  

EFILive has a great reputation and is a favorite among diesel tuners.  MM3 hardware and UDC Pro Tuning is derived from Smarty, a company that also has a stellar reputation among Cummins owners.  


Other Articles about 2013 + Cummins

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Questions About 2013 + Cummins Tuning

Jan 17, 2017 7:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in EFILive, Cummins, 2013 Cummins, 2015 Cummins, 2014 Cummins, Smarty MM3, custom tuning, 2016 Cummins, CME Cummins


Tuning for CME 2013-2016 Cummins 



If you have a 2013 - 2016 Cummins, you probably have some questions about aftermarket tuning for your truck.  From warranty concerns to transmission tuning options to peak horsepower, truck owners generally want to learn everything they can before picking the tuner right for them.  Below you will find information on the 7 most common topics we discuss with customers at Calibrated Power.   


Other Articles About Cummins

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LML Emissions ON Tuning

Oct 5, 2016 4:06:35 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in EFILive, LML, Diesel Tuning, LML Tuning, LML Power


No need to delete emissions to make power!  



Many people looking to make more power with a 2011 and newer LML Duramax think an aftermarket exhaust is required to make power.  This is simply not true!  Countless people reach over 500 RWHP with just the LML SPADE and a lift pump.  

The most common myths about making power with an LML Duramax:

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6 Questions about Tuning your LML Duramax

Jun 22, 2016 2:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Insider, Duramax Performance, Mods, DuramaxTuner.com, EFILive, efi live, Modifications, Duramax, Emissions, EGR Delete, Duramax Power, What can I do to get better fuel mileage?, 2013, 2014, 2016, Add blue, DPF Intact, EGR ON, DPF ON, 2011, 2015, New Diesel, LML, Emisssions Intact Tuning, Diesel Tuning, how to get more power from my duamax, How to get more power from my Duramax, what are some upgrades I can go to my LML?, Urea, 2012, Delete, DPF Delete, Urea Delete, LML Tuning, Emissions Intact, EGR, LML Power



Did you know there is no reason to delete the emissions from your 2011-2016 Duramax? 

DuramaxTuner.com's SPADE is capable of adding up to 135HP to your EMISSIONS INTACT LML

Actually, more and more people are tuning their 2011 + Duramax (LML) with the emissions equipment intact.  This is a great option for Duramax owners that would like a nice, quiet, reliable, efficient truck that performs well every time. However, many LML Owners have some basic questions prior to pursining emissions intact tuning. 

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Top 3 mods for your LLY Duramax

Jan 11, 2016 8:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Insider, Duramax Performance, Mods, LLY Tuning, better performance for lly, how to get better fuel mileage with LLY, LLY Mods, dsp, dsp5, lly performance, DuramaxTuner.com, LLY Intake, EFILive, efi live, switchable tuning, LLY, duramaxtuner, Modifications, What should i do first, what tuning should i get for my LLY, Duramax, switch on the fly tuning, LLY mpg


  • The LLY Duramax  is a great truck from the factory for there are 3 modifications every owner should make! The LLY was manufactured 2004.5 and 2005. There are a few 2006 models that are labeled as an LLY, however they have all of the LBZ upgrades from the factory, so for performance applications consider those an LBZ. An LLY was the first Duramax with the injectors outside of the heads, a variable vane turbo and a 50 state EGR.

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