David Schaefer’s 2015 GMC 2500HD Denali, known as "Time Bomb," is a remarkable achievement in the world of diesel performance. With a stunning 700 horsepower while maintaining full emissions compliance, this truck is a testament to what can be accomplished with thoughtful engineering and high-quality components. Let’s break down this comprehensive build, exploring the features that make it special and how they come together to create a never before achieved driving experience.
A 700hp Emissions-In-Tact LML Duramax: The Time Bomb Build Breakdown
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 9, 2024 7:15:00 AM / by Ben Lawson posted in Duramax Performance, duramaxtuner, Duramax, Emissions, Duramax Power, LML, Emisssions Intact Tuning, More Power for my LML?, what are some upgrades I can go to my LML?, LML Tuning, Emissions Intact, LML Power, clean sweep, LML Performance, Emissions Equipped, Build, build thread, LML Turbo, 600HP LML, Stealth 64 LML
Our Response to Clean Sweep Comments & New York Times Article
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 9, 2016 3:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in DPF Intact, DPF ON, LML, DPF Delete, LML Tuning, LML Power, Stealth 64, clean sweep, #CleanSweep, Stealth, dpf
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 8, 2016 11:34:36 AM / by Danny Voss posted in LML, LML Tuning, LML Power, clean sweep
LML Stealth 64 VVT, 620 RWHP Drop-In Turbo
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 26, 2016 5:02:54 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Duramax, 2013, 2014, 2016, DPF Intact, DPF ON, 2011, 2015, LML, Emisssions Intact Tuning, More Power for my LML?, what are some upgrades I can go to my LML?, 2012, LML Tuning, Emissions Intact, LML Power, clean sweep
LML Stealth 64 VVT by DuramaxTuner.com
The Stealth 64 turbo lineup has provided Duramax and Cummins owners the perfect drop-in, upgraded turbo option to net 80-120 extra horsepower. It spools like stock, appears stock, and still makes good power. The Stealth 64 lineup has already supported the 04.5-07 Cummins and the 01-10 Duramax. Significant changes in design of the factory turbo slowed our entrance to support the 2011 - 2016 Duramax trucks. Until now!
This turbo has an upgraded compressor and turbine. It's a direct bolt in for the factory charger on the LML (Custom tuning Highly Recccomended!)
- #DTCleanSweep Video
- 500+ HP Emissions Intact Cummins
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