Tillage and Deep Ripping is Laborsome and Expensive Work!
Annual tillage can help mix nutrients in the soil, combat compacted soil, conserve soil moisture, and help in other ways. Many of us throughout the corn belt have to do heavy tillage work (deep ripping, chisel plowing, etc.).
For you, tillage work represents the the hardest job your tractor will see this year. Afterall, the ripper is probably the biggest implement you will run. Which explains why so many reports come in about tractors being grossly under powered for this practice. Bogging down on headlands, running slow up gentle grades, being forced to raise the plow to keep from getting stuck, and generally not being able to run at target ground speed to get a consistant finish are complaints we commonly hear from farmers doing this work.
We see the stress and heavy power demands of tillage work as the biggest opportunity for savings. Below we'll outline the case for tuning the tractor to save fuel during tillage operation. We'll also save you from having to make significant capital investment in higher horsepower equipment to pull larger plows and finishers.
Power Manager
- Custom tractor tuning
- Safe for your tractor
- Easy to use and readily available
- Use less fuel per acre
- Cover more acres per hour
- Supports Green, Red and Blue tractors