Diesel Tuner's Blog

Adding Power to Your Farming Equipment: The Benefits of Custom Ag Tuning

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 5, 2025 4:19:56 PM / by Ben Lawson posted in Tuner for Combine, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, tractor, Combine, Tuner for tractor, Farm

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As a farmer, you know that your equipment is the backbone of your operation. Whether you’re planting, harvesting, or hauling, having the right power to get the job done is crucial. But what if you could add power to your existing equipment without the hefty price tag of upgrading to a more powerful model? Enter Custom Ag Tuning—the easy, effective way to increase performance, improve efficiency, and keep your equipment running strong.

Why Add Power to Your Farming Equipment?

The demands on your tractors and combines are high, and sometimes the power provided by stock equipment just isn’t enough. Whether you’re running a larger implement, climbing steep hills, hauling heavy loads, or navigating through tough, wet terrain, your machinery needs to work hard—and you need it to work efficiently.

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Fuel Efficiency Unleashed: How Custom Tractor Tuning Saves Fuel

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 16, 2024 2:40:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in tractor tuner, tractor tuning, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Farm

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Unleash the improved fuel efficiency that your Ag equipment has been missing with custom tractor tuning! Imagine accessing 30% more power and torque from your equipment, allowing you to effortlessly handle larger implements and save fuel at the same time. With our tuning, you'll  breeze through your field work with ease, covering more acres in less time while saving fuel in the process. But that's not all - the tuning process is quick and easy. Plus it retains all factory safety features for worry-free operation. With our Power Manager™ hardware included, installation is as simple as a few clicks. Say goodbye to sluggish performance and hello to peak fuel efficiency and productivity! Don't settle for mediocre performance or fuel economy when it comes to what makes you money. Supercharge your tractor's performance with Calibrated Power's custom tuning. Discover how custom tractor tuning can revolutionize your fuel efficiency and save you money while increasing power and torque in the process.


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Benefits Of Tuning Your Ag Equipment

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 11, 2019 11:44:46 AM / by Justin Tyson posted in tractor tuner, tractor tuning, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Agriculture, power manager

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There is a more cost-effective way of pushing your tractor to the top of the line when it comes to power.

You want field time decreased and you want to use the least amount of fuel possible while in the field.  These two aspects save you two valuable items: time and money. You work hard trying to get the best yield out of your land, so why not expect your combine to do the same for you?  Tuning your equipment is the quickest, cheapest, and most efficient way of going about getting the most out of your tractor. It can up-rate your tractor for a fraction of the dealer price and bring you the top-end amount of MPH and power.  Let’s go ahead and examine what tuning can do for the equipment.

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Does Your Tractor Have More Power In It?

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 10, 2018 8:45:00 AM / by Justin Tyson posted in john deere, new holland, case ih, tractor tuner, tractor tuning, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case

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It's that time of the year, you're in the field or just about to get in the field, you know you spent a lot of time last year just wishing your tractor had better power. This year go ahead and up-rate your rig to give you the quickest, most efficient work in the field yet! Maybe you feel as though your tractor is under powered when it comes to tillage or you just want your sprayer to get the job done fast, well tuning is exactly what you're going to need to push this years yield past prior seasons. Get more power safely and get it at a fraction of the cost.

We know this is your livelihood. We come from farm communities and we know how difficult it can be managing yields, crops, equipment, etc. These tunes are made with you in mind. The heart and soul of America is agriculture and this programmer is here to help push you to where you want to be. These tunes are for the farmer that is not ready to buy expensive new equipment or to pay a premium price for the next level at the dealer where you purchased the tractor.


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How Tractors Measure EGT's?

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 27, 2017 2:24:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, tractor, Combine, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, EGT, High EGT's

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How Tractors Measure Exhaust Gas Temperatures

Have you ever noticed that some OEM's do not install an EGT (exhaust gas temperature) probe on the manifold?  Any performance diesel gear head will tell you it's the best place to measure EGT's giving you the  most accurate insight to any immediate stress on the motor.  

Spiking EGT's in the manifold could be a symptom of many different problems including low boost, failing injectors, airflow restriction, EGR failure, etc.  All of these failures signify a lit fuse that ultimately ends in engine failure if left unchecked.  Clearly it's important to monitor EGT's, right!?  

The problem with installing a probe from the manufacturer stand point is the life expectancy of the probe.  Seeing extreme temperatures and still measuring accurately for the life of the service life requires high quality probes (read: expensive).  

Never fear, manufacturers have come a long way in measuring temperatures (and cutting costs).  In fact many feel no real need for a probe favoring a dynamic EGT model instead.



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Do you have enough power for Tillage Work?

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 17, 2017 10:08:12 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, Tuner for Versatile, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, tillage, deep ripping, chisel plow

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Tillage and Deep Ripping is Laborsome and Expensive Work! 


Annual tillage can help mix nutrients in the soil, combat compacted soil, conserve soil moisture, and help in other ways.  Many of us throughout the corn belt have to do heavy tillage work (deep ripping, chisel plowing, etc.).  

For you, tillage work represents the  the hardest job your tractor will see this year.   Afterall, the ripper is probably the biggest implement you will run.  Which explains why so many reports come in about tractors being grossly under powered for this practice.  Bogging down on headlands, running slow up gentle grades, being forced to raise the plow to keep from getting stuck, and generally not being able to run at target ground speed to get a consistant finish are complaints we commonly hear from farmers doing this work.  

We see the stress and heavy power demands of tillage work as the biggest opportunity for savings.  Below we'll outline the case for tuning the tractor to save fuel during tillage operation.  We'll also save you from having to make significant capital investment in higher horsepower equipment to pull larger plows and finishers.

Power Manager

  • Custom tractor tuning
  • Safe for your tractor
  • Easy to use and readily available
  • Use less fuel per acre
  • Cover more acres per hour
  • Supports Green, Red and Blue tractors

How Much HP Can Custom Tuning Add To My Tractor?

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My tractor needs more power!

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 28, 2017 3:30:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in new holland, tractor tuner, tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case

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"My tractor needs more power!"


This is something you may have thought while doing heavy work like tillage or pulling a loaded down grain wagon.  Or maybe you noticed the lack of power while traveling over some tougher terrain.  

Regardless of when you noticed that your tractor is short on ponies, you need a solution.  You can either trade in your tractor for a larger model in the series or consider tuning to bump the power.  

More Articles About Tractor Tuning:

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How much power do you need for Deep Ripping?

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 27, 2017 3:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in tractor tuning, tractor, tillage, deep ripping, target speed, increase ground speed

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Spring Tillage and Deep Ripping 


For the farmers that have to do tillage work, especially when the ground is hard, an under powered tractor is the last problem anyone wants.  Although annual tillage can help mix nutrients in the soil, combat compacted soil, conserve soil moisture, and help in other ways, it can also cost a lot of time and fuel to complete the job.  

Bogging down, running slow, struggling to climb hills, and other complaints are often made during tillage work.  Which is why it is important to understand how much power you need to complete the task.  Of course there are many factors when figuring out a horse power formula for sizing a ripper or chisel plow.  Variables such as, target ground speed, desired depth, the type of shank and especially shank spacing will make a difference.  

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Custom Tractor Tuning for Deep Ripping

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 14, 2016 4:40:37 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in new holland, tractor tuning, tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, tillage, deep ripping, custom tuning

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Deep Ripping Requires Power:

Many tractors that are used for heavy tillage that work in the fall are also used for heavy work throughout the season.  Anyone who has pulled an a large tillage tool knows how much stress it puts on a tractor.  So the large tractor that has plenty of power to do general work during the rest of the year can feel dramatically be under powered while deep ripping.  Especially if you have decided to run a larger implement this season.  This leaves many farmers looking for a safe solution.  They need a bump in power, not something to make their equipment breakdown.   Custom Tractor Tuning for Deep Ripping, Tillage work, or other strenuous activity is available through the Power Manager allowing farmers to take full advantage of the power available in their tractor or combine. 


Other Tractor Related Articles:

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Does your tractor have enough power for Tillage Work?

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 17, 2016 1:39:59 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, Tuner for Versatile, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, tillage, deep ripping, chisel plow

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Tillage work is labor some and has high fuel cost! 


Annual tillage can help mix nutrients in the soil, combat compacted soil, conserve soil moisture, and help in other ways.  A common problem with the farming community throughout the corn belt, is heavy tillage work (deep ripping, chisel plowing, etc.) can be a chore for their tractor. 

Tillage work involves using your tractor to pull what is generally the largest implement you own.  Most people report that tillage work is when a tractor will be put under the highest amount of stress.  Which explains why so many reports come in about tractors being grossly under powered for this practice.  Bogging down, running slow, struggling to climb hills, and other complaints are often made during tillage work.  

This is a situation that can be easily remedied with the custom tractor tuning provided by our Power Manager! 

Power Manager

  • Custom tractor tuning
  • Safe for your tractor
  • Easy to use and readily available
  • Use less fuel per acre
  • Cover more acres per hour
  • Supports Green, Red and Blue tractors

How Much HP Can Custom Tuning Add To My Tractor?

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