This is from our build thread at
We plan to put the entire build into a FREE E-Book which will be available by the end of June, 2017. If you would like a copy just click the botton below and fill out the corresponding form.
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 17, 2017 10:41:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in 2011 Cummins, 10.4L Cummins, Ultimated Callout Challenge, Triple s500 turbos, UCC, 8.9
This is from our build thread at
We plan to put the entire build into a FREE E-Book which will be available by the end of June, 2017. If you would like a copy just click the botton below and fill out the corresponding form.
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 12, 2017 10:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in 2.8L, dead pedal
The 2.8L Duramax in the Colorado and Canyon is a great engine! Overall they are great trucks!
They get even better once you fix the biggest complaint about them: the Dead Pedal.
Let's say you're driving your new Canyon 2.8L fresh from the factory, no aftermarket tuning. You want to pass, so you step on the throttle, and wait, and wait.
The turbo charger has to lead the charge. There's a transient response rate. The delay in that transient response is the dead pedal.
The dead pedal delivers less power than the driver anticipates. The untuned 2.8L feels like there's a tennis ball stuck behind the pedal.
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 11, 2017 1:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in LML, More Power for my LML?, LML Tuning, LML Power, #CleanSweep, LML Performance, DTCleanSweep
Last year we ran our 2012 Duramax with a few aftermarket goodies and the stock emissions equipment. Not only did the truck compete the entire season, it won several events! Taking home 5 first place spots and placed in the top 3 more often than not.
With 617 RWHP on tap DT Clean Sweep almost made it look easy.
The 2017 sled pull season is approaching and we wanted to a way to give back to you, our fans! So we are offering a FREE Poster featuring #DTCleanSweep shipped to you!
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 6, 2017 2:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in 10.4L Cummins, Ultimated Callout Challenge, Triple s500 turbos, UCC
Our truck started life as a cab and chassis, 2 door Cummins powered Ram.
We decided to stuff a 640 cubic inch Cummins in it, throw triple s500 turbos on it, twin 14mm stroker pumps and giant injectors into it. And although the project is already put together, you can follow along to learn what it took for this monster to come together.
This is an excert from the thread we have going at titled Big Block, 8.9L Build
We are going to work up a FREE UCC Truck Build E-Book. We are projecting to have them done by the end of June, 2017. If you would like to request a copy just click the button below and fill out the corresponding form.
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 3, 2017 2:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in LML, More Power for my LML?, LML Tuning, LML Power, #CleanSweep, LML Performance, DTCleanSweep
Last year we ran our 2012 Duramax with a few aftermarket goodies and the stock emissions equipment. Not only did the truck compete the entire season, it won several events! Taking home 5 first place spots and placed in the top 3 more often than not.
With 617 RWHP on tap DT Clean Sweep almost made it look easy.
With the 2017 sled pull season approaching we wanted to a way to give back to you, our fans and get everyone excited for the upcoming year. So we are offering a FREE Poster featuring #DTCleanSweep shipped to you!
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 28, 2017 11:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in new cummins tuning, 10.4L Cummins, Triple s500 turbos, UCC, Ulitmate Callout Challenge
640 Cubic Inch Big Block Cummins in a regular cab 2011 Cab and Chassis Ram
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 27, 2017 2:24:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, tractor, Combine, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, EGT, High EGT's
How Tractors Measure Exhaust Gas Temperatures
Have you ever noticed that some OEM's do not install an EGT (exhaust gas temperature) probe on the manifold? Any performance diesel gear head will tell you it's the best place to measure EGT's giving you the most accurate insight to any immediate stress on the motor.
Spiking EGT's in the manifold could be a symptom of many different problems including low boost, failing injectors, airflow restriction, EGR failure, etc. All of these failures signify a lit fuse that ultimately ends in engine failure if left unchecked. Clearly it's important to monitor EGT's, right!?
The problem with installing a probe from the manufacturer stand point is the life expectancy of the probe. Seeing extreme temperatures and still measuring accurately for the life of the service life requires high quality probes (read: expensive).
Never fear, manufacturers have come a long way in measuring temperatures (and cutting costs). In fact many feel no real need for a probe favoring a dynamic EGT model instead.
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 24, 2017 11:44:46 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Cummins Turbo, Stealth 64, LB7 Turbo, LBZ Turbo, LMM Turbo, LML Turbo, Diesel Turbo Options Duramax, Diesel Turbo Options Cummins, Duramax Turbo, LLY Turbo, Turbo Upgrades
Manufacturing the best turbo possible takes top quality parts, a scrutinty to detail and multiple QC checks. is excited to be manufacturing turbochargers in-house. It has given us a chance to dial in what it takes to produce the highest quality aftermarket turbo for the Duramax and Cummins trucks.
For those of you thinking about upgrading your turbo in the future, or if you are just a diesel performance nut, we thought you would like a behind the scene look of what goes into our Stealth turbo manufacturing.
Other Turbo Articles:
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 23, 2017 4:59:11 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in LML, TCM, LML Performance
What is LML TCM Tuning? Do you need it? How does it work?
If you own a 2011 - 2016 GMC or Chevy Duramax (LML) you probably know it is equipped with an Allison 1000 transmission. You probably know this is one of the most respected transmissions to ever be matched with a diesel engine. The Allison's smooth shifting and stellar reliability have earned it a special place in the diesel performance community.
With all the benefits this transmission provides, it's not without it's own short comings. Many LML owners have noticed there are times when it just doesn't shift they way want it to. And when LML owners have questions, they know to call for help.
Below you will find the 3 most commonly asked questions and answers on this topic.
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 17, 2017 10:08:12 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, Tuner for Versatile, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, tillage, deep ripping, chisel plow
Tillage and Deep Ripping is Laborsome and Expensive Work!
Annual tillage can help mix nutrients in the soil, combat compacted soil, conserve soil moisture, and help in other ways. Many of us throughout the corn belt have to do heavy tillage work (deep ripping, chisel plowing, etc.).
For you, tillage work represents the the hardest job your tractor will see this year. Afterall, the ripper is probably the biggest implement you will run. Which explains why so many reports come in about tractors being grossly under powered for this practice. Bogging down on headlands, running slow up gentle grades, being forced to raise the plow to keep from getting stuck, and generally not being able to run at target ground speed to get a consistant finish are complaints we commonly hear from farmers doing this work.
We see the stress and heavy power demands of tillage work as the biggest opportunity for savings. Below we'll outline the case for tuning the tractor to save fuel during tillage operation. We'll also save you from having to make significant capital investment in higher horsepower equipment to pull larger plows and finishers.
Calibrated Power Solutions Inc. is a data driven, market leading tuning business. We are dedicated to providing high-quality engine calibrations that represent the best mix of drivability, reliability, and power available within the performance automotive aftermarket. We keep our edge by encouraging innovation. We drive and verify results by employing expert staff, who are equipped with the best tools in the business. We view ourselves as prompt, reliable professionals who deliver. CPS aims to establish a nationally recognized standard in our market for product quality and service delivery.
815-568-7920 ext 2122
950 Greenlee St
Marengo, IL 60152