Diesel Tuner's Blog

#1 Thing Every 2.8L Duramax Needs

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 9, 2017 10:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in 2.8L, 4 cyl duramax, colorado, canyon

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We've logged thousands of miles on our 2.8L Duramax Canyon - hundreds with a 5,000-pound load.  We continue to find this medium duty diesel worthy of a closer look.  When combined with DuramaxTuner.com calibrations you'll discover it can be incredibly fun and responsive to drive.

After all the 2.8L diesel Colorado and Canyon trucks we have tuned you might think we would get bored with them.  In reality, it has had the opposite effect.  Every time you drive one of these it's hard not to be impressed with it.  The seats are comfortable, interior is well equipped and because it's such a light truck (compared to the 3/4 and 1 tons we usually drive) it feels nimble.  Especially when you have the SPADE with DuramaxTuner.com's custom calibrations.

Listen to Nicola Menarini Chief Engineer & Program Manager of XLDE (Duramax)

You might like the 2.8L Duramax Canyon/Colorado if:

  • Your truck is used mostly for commuting
  • When you tow, it is something lighter than 8,000lbs
  • You want to best possible fuel mileage from a vehicle with a truck bed
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The Cummins Stealth 64 Turbo: Towing, Daily Driving and Performance!

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 7, 2017 11:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Cummins, Cummins Turbo, Stealth 64, Stealth

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2003-2007 5.9L  DROP-IN CUMMINS TURBO:

After the extensive testing we did in the Cummins Turbo Shootout back in 2013 we learned a few things about Cummins single turbo systems.  This test featured 5 turbo's, recomended by the manufacturer, analyzed and compared side-by-side.  


If you read the article featured in Diesel Power Magazine or listened to the episodes we did at the Diesel Performance Podcast then you already know there was no clear 1 winner.  The reality of aftermarket turbo's is you have to sacrafice something to gain something.  So we set out to develop a turbo that could meet our requirements for being a great daily driver, good for managing EGT's while towing and something we could cause havok on the streets with.  

Cummins Stealth 64:

  • Great Daily Driver
  • Good for managing EGT's while towing
  • Cause havok on the streets!
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1,000HP Single Turbo Cummins Daily Driver

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 1, 2017 9:40:51 AM / by Chris Ehmke posted in Cummins, Cummins Turbo, Cummins Tuning

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1000HP Daily driven Single turbo 5.9 Cummins


Generally the terms "budget" and "1000RWHP" are opposing descriptions.   This build ties the two together while utilizing the highest quality parts in the industry.   The owner, Mitch, who has owned this truck for some time has always envisioned a 4 digit street truck. 


If you have been around the Cummins performance community for any length of time you understand how amazing it is to make over 1,000HP on a single turbo setup that is still streetable.  Of course many people have made the power, but with a single turbo the big problem is spool-up and smoke output.  With Mitch's truck we dialed in a parts package and our custom tuning so he could have the best of everything with his truck.

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Ultimate Callout Challenge Truck Build! (6)

[fa icon="calendar'] May 19, 2017 1:15:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Cummins, Cummins Diesel, 10.4L Cummins, Triple s500 turbos, UCC, Ulitmate Callout Challenge

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Is the EGR on your LML (2011-2016 Duramax) ruining your truck?

[fa icon="calendar'] May 17, 2017 1:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Emissions, EGR Delete, EGR ON, LML, How to program my LML, More Power for my LML?, what are some upgrades I can go to my LML?, LML Tuning, Emissions Intact, EGR, LML Power, LML Performance, Emissions Equipped

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5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The 2011-2016 Duramax EGR

Some of you reading this are probably screaming at the computer already.  Mentioning EGR, or any emissions equipment tends to prompt that reaction.  Take a moment to read about how the EGR equipped on the 2011 - 2016 Duramax is NOT going to ruin your engine.  Afterwards, if you still want to send a letter about how terrible emissions equipment is, please address it to your local Congressman. 

Below you will find 5 things you probably didn't know about the EGR (exhaust gas re-circulation).  Including  how it is different than previous models, why it works well, and a few other note worthy facts.  

A few things you've heard people say about the EGR that are NOT true about the LML EGR system:

  • "They dump dirty exhaust back into your engine."
  • "The EGR will gum up and fail constantly"
  • "Deleting it will get you better fuel mileage."
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Safe way to get more power out of your tractor?

[fa icon="calendar'] May 10, 2017 8:45:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in tractor tuner, tractor tuning

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Whether you are in the field yet or not, you already know what machines in your operation could use more power.  Maybe your 4WD unit that does tillage work or if you have been thinking about running a larger implement but not sure if you got enough ponies to drag it.  Either way you need power.  

To be clear, this is not for those trying make a competition tractor!  This is for those that use their tractor to make a living.  This is for the farmer that needs more power but certainly can't afford to have broken equipment and trading in at the dealership is just too expensive right now.  


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Ultimate Callout Challenge Truck Build! (5)

[fa icon="calendar'] May 8, 2017 8:54:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Cummins, 10.4L Cummins, Triple s500 turbos, UCC, ISL

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We plan to put the entire build into a FREE E-Book which will be available by the end of June, 2017.  If you would like a copy just click the button below and fill out the corresponding form.  

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MM3 or EFILive for your 2016 Cummins?

[fa icon="calendar'] May 5, 2017 10:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in EFILive, 2013 Cummins, 2015 Cummins, 2014 Cummins, Smarty MM3, MM3, 2016 Cummins, 2017 Cummins

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What is the best tuning for a 2016 Cummins?


This is a common question these days.  Many Cummins owners like you understand the importance of high quality, custom tuning.  However, figuring out which custom tuning platform is best for you can be complicated.  

EFILive has a great reputation and is a favorite among diesel tuners.  MM3 hardware and UDC Pro Tuning is derived from Smarty, a company that also has a stellar reputation among Cummins owners.  


Other Articles about 2013 + Cummins

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STOP running your LML without a lift pump!

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 25, 2017 9:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in LML, LML Tuning, LML Power, LML Performance, Fass, Lift Pump

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Do you need a lift pump on your LML?

You should strongly consider a lift pump for your LML (2011-2016 Duramax).  Although there are many benefits a lift pump provides, your LML needs them for 2 main reasons, RELIABILITY & PERFORMANCE. 

First, we should clear a few things up before diving into this topic.

  • Lift Pump:  A low pressure pump that draws from the fuel tank and pushes it to the high pressure fuel pump.  LML's do not have a lift pump from the factory.  
  • CP4.2:  High pressure fuel pump equipped on the LML.  Mounted in the engine bay, directly feeds high pressure to the common rail and draws fuel from the tank. Commonly called the Cp4.
  • LML:  Short hand for Chevy and GMC 6.6L, V-8, turbocharged, Duramax engines available in the 2011 - 2016 HD trucks. 
  • Brands: DuramaxTuner.com is an Authorized Dealer for FASS.  For purpose of this article we are not going to split hairs over brands.  We certainly suggest doing your research for what is going to meet your needs the best. 


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600HP with your LBZ!

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 18, 2017 10:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in LBZ, LBZ Power, Stealth 64, SPADE

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What do you need to make 600HP in your LBZ?


600 RWHP (Rear Wheel Horsepower) with your LBZ makes one of the most fun trucks to drive!  They sound great, look amazing and feel like a rocket ship if you do it right.  

(Chuck Dilley's LBZ  was actually a lot more than 600HP when this picture was taken, but it's a great picture)


There are many recipes out there to make this power.  Each with it's own advantages and shortcomings.  Below you will find our recommendation assuming you meet this criteria:

- Drive-ability is crucial! It's not just about a number on the dyno, you want to be able to daily drive this build when you are done.

- You are NOT trying to sled pull in a 2.6 or larger class.  

- The truck must maintain its reliability.  You don't want to constantly worry about blowing a motor. Or maybe you tow with it and want to (or have to) still let the wife drive it once and a while. 


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