Is your top speed causing a choke point on your operation?
The top speed of your tractor is extremely important. Whether it be spring, summer or harvest, the top speed of the slowest tractor being used can impact how efficient your farm is. Also, when using multiple pieces of machinery, keeping up with the other guys can be crucial to the operation. Simply said, in the field or on the road, your top MPH matters.
Tractors can have their speed limited by either an electronically controlled speed limiter or simply by having a lack of power. It is fairly straight forward when determining which factor is holding you back. If you see the RPM gauge bouncing at a specific RPM while in your highest gear, you have a speed limiter. On the other hand, if you can shift up but do not have the power to run without lugging then it is a lack of power. With either of these problems, there may be a less expensive solution other than buying a brand new tractor.
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