Diesel Tuner's Blog

2011-2016 Ford Diesel Dead Pedal

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 12, 2017 9:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Ford, 2011-2016 Ford 6.7 Tuner, Ford 6.7, Insight Pro, Custom Ford Tuning

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The 2011-2016 Ford Powerstroke is an amazing truck.  With up to 24,500 lbs of 5th wheel towing capacity and 400-440 HP from the factory these diesel trucks are meant to be worked.  

However, you many have noticed that your Ford 6.7L just doesn't seem to have the snap your old truck did.  You step on the throttle thinking all that power is going to rocket you into traffic.  In reality you probably feel like it just meanders into the lane.  We call this lack of throttle response the "Dead Pedal".  

Below you will find 3 things that cause the Dead Pedal and a simple solution for your truck. 


Learn More About the Ford 6.7L Powerstroke

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Why your 2011-2016 Ford 6.7L Powerstroke feels slow!

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 10, 2017 8:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Emissions, EGR Delete, 2013, 2014, 2016, DPF Intact, EGR ON, DPF ON, 2011, 2015, 2012, DPF Delete, Emissions Intact, DEF fluid, NOX, 2017, regen, Ford, 2011-2016 Ford 6.7 Tuner, Ford 6.7

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2011-2016 Ford Diesel Dead Pedal

Many customers have upgraded from their old pre-emissions Powerstroke to a new Ford 6.7L and found there are a few changes besides just the looks. 

The2011-2014 F250 and other diesel models made and astonishing 400 RWHP and 800 ft/lbs while the 2015/2016 Powerstroke makes 440 RWHP and 860 ft/lbs of torque. Which is impressive by itself but you will probably notice your old Ford diesel feels quicker.  In fact we hear many stories of guys trying to merge into traffic or gun it to get in front of someone and the pedal does not seem to respond.  This phenomena is often called the Ford 6.7L "Dead Pedal".  The "Dead Pedal" is a delay the driver feels between pressing on the throttle pedal and the truck reacting as desired. 



But what causes the Ford Diesel Dead Pedal?  And more importantly, What is the fix for it?

These are exactly the questions we hope to answer for you. Below you will see what we have put together on the topic. 

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Top 5 Questions About DPF ON 6.7L Powerstroke Tuning

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 7, 2017 9:28:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in 6.7L Powerstroke, Ford, 2011-2016 Ford 6.7 Tuner, Ford 6.7, Powerstroke Tuning

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Ford 6.7L Emissions Equipped Tuning:

The 2011 through 2016 Powerstroke is one of the best diesel trucks Ford has ever made.  However, the opportunity to make it even better is just instinctual for American diesel truck owners.

The most impactful improvement a Ford 6.7L owner can choose is aftermarket tuning.  As we talk with owners considering 6.7L Powerstroke Tuning there are several questions that just about every truck owner will ask.  This article will provide the most common questions we are asked at Calibrated Power along with corresponding medium-winded answers.  

Other Article About 2011+ Powerstroke Performance

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[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 23, 2017 2:44:13 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in LLY, LML, Cummins Turbo, LBZ, LML Power, Stock Turbo, Stealth 64, LB7, Stealth, LML Performance, LMM, LB7 Turbo, Bolt on turbo, LBZ Turbo, LMM Turbo, LML Turbo, Diesel Turbo Options Duramax, Diesel Turbo Options Cummins, Duramax Turbo, LLY Turbo, Turbo Upgrades, LB7 Turbo Upgrade, 640HP LB7, Stealth 64G2, Stealth VVT, Stealth 64 LML

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We have lowered our MAP pricing on the Stealth 64 Turbo:

Calibrated Power, home of DuramaxTuner.com, has ramped up in-house production of the Stealth Turbo line.  This added capacity and volume of turbo production has provided an opportunity to lower MAP pricing on all Duramax models and allowed the Cummins 5.9L Stealth 64 to be a low price and top quality leader in it's category. 

Our Stealth 64 Turbo's are:

  • Made in the USA!
  • Upgraded, Drop-In Replacement!
  • Quick Spooling with Big POWER!
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How the Ford 6.7L Powerstroke DPF & Exhaust System Works

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 18, 2017 9:29:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Emissions, Emisssions Intact Tuning, Emissions Intact, 6.7L Powerstroke, Emissions Equipped, Ford, 2011-2016 Ford 6.7 Tuner, Ford 6.7, Powerstroke Tuning, Power Stroke

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DPF, EGR SCR, DEF, What does it all mean?!?

Before you throw an exhaust on your 2011-2016 Powerstroke, at least understand what the emissions equipment is and how it works.


Sure there are plenty of guys that had to delete their truck because they had an issue with the emissions equipment.  But there are also a lot of guys that have never had a problem with it.  Just imagine if you could get the same or ever more power and performance from a DPF, EGR, DEF equipped truck as you could from it's deleted counter part.  If you understand how the emissions equipment works, there is less of a chance you will need to delete it. 


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Does the'11-'16 Duramax DPF rob you of horsepower?

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 11, 2017 9:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in EFILive, LML, Diesel Tuning, LML Tuning, LML Power

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No need to delete emissions to make power!  

Many people looking to make more power with a 2011 - 2016 LML Duramax think an aftermarket exhaust is required to make power.  This is simply not true!  Countless people reach over 500 RWHP with just the LML SPADE and a lift pump.  

Above you can see the dyno graph from our DPF ON sled pull truck.  Named #DTCleanSweep because this truck has "swept away" plenty of deleted trucks on the sled pull track.  It sounds quiet, it runs clean, and it kicks some ass!  This 2012 Duramax makes great power with the emissions equipment still working.  While this truck has a few more upgrades than your normal street truck, it does definitely proves you can make power with the stock exhaust. 

Keep in mind this truck came to us deleted, and was returned to stock.  We had a chance to test it with both setups.  Truth be told, the deleted version made less than 5% more power.  Not enough to notice from the driver seat and obviously not enough to cost us anything at the track. 


The most common myths about making power with an LML Duramax:

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EZ LYNK AutoAgent 2.0: Custom Ford 6.7L Tuning

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 6, 2017 11:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Ford, 2011-2016 Ford 6.7 Tuner, Ford 6.7, Powerstroke Tuning, 2017-2018 Ford 6.7L Tuner

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The 6.7L Ford in its factory trim represents a significant improvement in technology over the previous generations of the Powerstroke.  Coupled with the 6R140 transmission, this power train a lot of offer in reliability, drive-ability and performance.  Over the past year, we at CPS have worked with our customers and in-house on our own test trucks to develop and test tuning for this platform.  After hundreds of revisions, we're happy to announce we have a product that significantly outperforms the factory 6.7L/6R140 calibration in power and drive-ability, while maintaining factory operation and service intervals of the emissions control system.


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Custom 2011-2016 Ford Powerstroke Tuning

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 11, 2017 2:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in 6.7L Powerstroke, Ford, 2011-2016 Ford 6.7 Tuner, Ford 6.7, Custom Ford Tuning

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Calibrated Power has EZ LYNK Custom Tuning for the 6.7L Powerstroke.  


Over the last several months we have been testing our new custom tuning on the 2011-2016 Powerstroke. Countless hours on the dyno, miles and miles of street driving and remote beta testing have given us great insight to this new platform.  

After all of this, we are excited to finally start helping some customers with our new custom Ford tuning. 

A few things we will answer today:

  • What hardware is Calibrated Power using to tune Fords?
  • How is CUSTOM tuning going to help my 6.7L Powerstroke?
  • Do I have the right truck for tuning? 

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5 Things Your LML Needs to Make 600HP!

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 6, 2017 11:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in LML, LML Tuning, LML Power, Stealth 64, #CleanSweep, LML Performance, DTCleanSweep, HP recepie, 600HP LML

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2011-2016 Durmax HP Recipe:

Your 2011 - 2016 GM Diesel is powered by the LML Duramax.  This engine is capable on monstrous amounts of power while retaining some reliability, if you know what you are doing. 


No, it's not just for drag racers and sled pullers.  This level of power isn't even just for kids.  600HP is fun for the whole family.  You can have a truck that is reliable and still capable of having a little fun when you want it to.  That is why we put this simple list of 5 things you need to make 600HP and keep your truck on the road. 

Here are some other articles about LML Performance:

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Stealth Mach 1 64mm: LB7 Turbo Technical Data

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 30, 2017 9:43:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Stealth 64, Stealth, LB7 Turbo, LB7 Turbo Upgrade, 640HP LB7, G2, Stealth 64G2, LB7 G2, LB7 64G2

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Stealth 64 G2 Technical Information:

If you have an LB7 and are considering a replacement LB7 turbo, you want the best!  It has to be a turbo that is going to be reliable and meet your demands for performance.  You want something that is cutting edge, proven to work and a turbo that you can still drive or tow with everyday.  You need an upgraded LB7 turbo that is going to deliver.  And if you are looking for a Stage 1 LB7 turbo upgrade, you probably will look at the Stealth turbo line. 


Shopping for the best turbo means understanding what you need and what the turbo can do.  Here you can find the technical information about the Stealth Mach 1 (64) along with some insight as to what you should be looking for when shopping for an LB7 turbo upgrade. 

Other Articles About LB7 Turbo Options:

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