Diesel Tuner's Blog

Does your tractor have enough power for Tillage Work?

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 17, 2016 1:39:59 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, Tuner for Versatile, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case, tillage, deep ripping, chisel plow

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Tillage work is labor some and has high fuel cost! 


Annual tillage can help mix nutrients in the soil, combat compacted soil, conserve soil moisture, and help in other ways.  A common problem with the farming community throughout the corn belt, is heavy tillage work (deep ripping, chisel plowing, etc.) can be a chore for their tractor. 

Tillage work involves using your tractor to pull what is generally the largest implement you own.  Most people report that tillage work is when a tractor will be put under the highest amount of stress.  Which explains why so many reports come in about tractors being grossly under powered for this practice.  Bogging down, running slow, struggling to climb hills, and other complaints are often made during tillage work.  

This is a situation that can be easily remedied with the custom tractor tuning provided by our Power Manager! 

Power Manager

  • Custom tractor tuning
  • Safe for your tractor
  • Easy to use and readily available
  • Use less fuel per acre
  • Cover more acres per hour
  • Supports Green, Red and Blue tractors

How Much HP Can Custom Tuning Add To My Tractor?

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3 Reasons Farmers Love Combine Tuning

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 10, 2016 3:13:17 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Mods, What should i do first, Emissions, What can I do to get better fuel mileage?, john deere, Power, Emisssions Intact Tuning, case, new holland, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, Making horse power with, Tuner for Versatile, Harvest, tractor, versatile, Combine, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case

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Harvest is one of the busiest times of year for farmers.  One thing no farmer should have to deal with during this time is an under powered combine.  Lugging up hills, slowing down the system, and in general costing the operation money can be enough to drive you nuts!  

Each year, just after harvest, we take an influx of calls inquiring about adding horsepower to combines.  Farmers tend to be detail orientated, and have a lot of questions before tuning any equipment.  Which is totally understandable, combines are not exactly cheap and they are one of the most crucial components of a successful harvest. 


If you think tuning a combine is crazy, take a look at the 3 most common reasons we find farmers love combine tuning.  

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5 Reasons to tune your combine before harvest

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 24, 2016 8:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Mods, What should i do first, Emissions, What can I do to get better fuel mileage?, john deere, Power, Emisssions Intact Tuning, case, new holland, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, Making horse power with, Tuner for Versatile, Harvest, tractor, versatile, Combine, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case

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Harvest is one of the busiest times of year for farmers. Trying to get the crop in before the weather turns, managing employees and rushing to get a myriad of tasks done can be daunting. One thing no farmer should have to deal with during this busy time is an under performing combine. Lugging up hills, slowing down the system, and in general costing the operation money.  This does not have to be the situation for you this fall!

Each year, just after harvest, we take an influx of calls inquiring about adding horsepower to combines. Farmers tend to be detail orientated, and have a lot of questions before tuning any equipment. Which is totally understandable, combines are not exactly cheap and they are one of the most crucial components of a successful harvest. 

A few questions come up in every conversation about tuning a combine. Below, I hope to provide answers to the most common questions about combine tuning. 

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Can Your Tractor Ever Really Have Enough Power?

[fa icon="calendar'] May 20, 2016 12:50:01 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, Tuner for Versatile, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case

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Custom Tuning for Tractors!

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How to run a larger implement on your tractor that is under-powered.

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 26, 2016 10:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, tractor, versatile

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  • Have you considered a Bigger planter or tillage tool on your Farm. Are you worried if your tractor will have enough horsepower to get the job done?




If your existing machine has enough tire, but bogs under heavy load- consider tuning your tractor. You can use factory style calibration software to safely up-rate machines lower in their series to power levels of those tractors higher in the series. This means that if our brand has a similar size machine with more power than yours, you can get you the power difference.

Up-rate a 6105R to a 6130R

Up-rate a 9410R to a 9510R

Up-rate a Steiger 540 to a Steiger 620

Up-rate a 8245R to an 8295R etc.

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