[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 18, 2016 3:26:24 PM / by Danny Voss posted in LML Power
Shift Up, Throttle Back Review
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 15, 2016 2:39:06 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Emissions, john deere, Add blue, DPF Intact, DPF ON, New Diesel, Power, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, Tuner for Versatile, Urea, Harvest, tractor, versatile, Combine, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case
Shift Up, Throttle Back, What is it?
Many farmers run their large 4WD tractors while performing tillage work. Generally they find a gear that lets them achieve a desired ground speed and run at WOT. This practice will get the job done, no question. However, operators may see the Gallons Per Hour go up while this work is performed. This is a result of the tractor running more RPM than neccessary for the drawbar requirement. The amount of power needed for most drabar activities is probably not the peak power output of the tractor. This excessive RPM operation is the root cause of wasted fuel. Good news though: Iowa State University, University Extension studied the "Shift Up, Throttle Back" strategy and have given suggestions on how to save fuel. In fact, during testing some tractors measured up to a 20% reduction in fuel useage.
How much boost should my stock Duramax turbo make?
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 28, 2016 11:45:05 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Duramax, Turbo, Stock, Stock Turbo, Drop-In, Stealth 64, Wheel Size, Turbo Wheel, Stealth
Duramax engines have always come with solid turbos. However after miles and miles of whistling and boosting, your turbo may have problems. Or you may have other issues, that make you think your turbo has problems. This is very common as most drivers watch boost, keeping an eye on how much PSI they're making. It stands to reason that if your peak boost drops, your turbo has a problem. This is usually not the case though. More often then not, when we diagnose this symptom we find there are other problems leading to a lower than expected boost number.
Target boost numbers for the following RPO's are as follows (PSI)
2001-2004 LB7- Stock 20-22, tuned 24-26, tuned with PPE boost valve 28-31. Failure will occur near 34psi
2004.5-2016 Stock 22-24, Mild tune 27-28, Hot tune 33-35
The factory map sensor which electronically measures boost on a 2001-2004.5 trucks only reads to 22-24 psi, 2006-2016 MAP sensors read to 37 psi. If you want to read boost numbers higher you'll need an aftermarket gauge.
How does REGEN work in an LML Duramax?
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 6, 2016 10:30:43 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Insider, DuramaxTuner.com, Duramax, Emissions, EGR Delete, 2013, 2014, 2016, Add blue, DPF Intact, EGR ON, DPF ON, 2011, 2015, New Diesel, LML, Diesel Tuning, More Power for my LML?, Urea, 2012, Delete, DPF Delete, Urea Delete, LML Tuning, Emissions Intact, EGR
REGEN is the burning of soot built up in a DPF.
The Emissions Equipment for diesel trucks has changed quite a bit through out the years. In 2004.5 all heavy duty diesel pickups had to install EGR's which is the exhaust gas recirculation system. Basically it turns exhaust into inert gas and directs the gas back into the combustion process. Then in 2007.5 the EPA required pickups to use a DPF. The DPF, or Diesel Particulate Filter, is a filter that catches soot, or unburnt fuel from the exhaust. Once the soot builds up, the exhaust heats up to burn the soot off. Starting in 2011 Diesel Exhaust Fluid is used to treat NOx emissions, in addition to the EGR and DPF treating the carbon emissions.
The DPF is a crucile part of treating diesel emissions and each OEM utilizes and operates their DPF a little differently. Below, the DPF in the 2011-2016 LML Duramax is explained.
5 Reasons to tune your combine before harvest
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 24, 2016 8:30:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Mods, What should i do first, Emissions, What can I do to get better fuel mileage?, john deere, Power, Emisssions Intact Tuning, case, new holland, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, combine tuning, Making horse power with, Tuner for Versatile, Harvest, tractor, versatile, Combine, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case
Harvest is one of the busiest times of year for farmers. Trying to get the crop in before the weather turns, managing employees and rushing to get a myriad of tasks done can be daunting. One thing no farmer should have to deal with during this busy time is an under performing combine. Lugging up hills, slowing down the system, and in general costing the operation money. This does not have to be the situation for you this fall!
Each year, just after harvest, we take an influx of calls inquiring about adding horsepower to combines. Farmers tend to be detail orientated, and have a lot of questions before tuning any equipment. Which is totally understandable, combines are not exactly cheap and they are one of the most crucial components of a successful harvest.
A few questions come up in every conversation about tuning a combine. Below, I hope to provide answers to the most common questions about combine tuning.
6 Questions about Tuning your LML Duramax
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 22, 2016 2:00:00 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in Insider, Duramax Performance, Mods, DuramaxTuner.com, EFILive, efi live, Modifications, Duramax, Emissions, EGR Delete, Duramax Power, What can I do to get better fuel mileage?, 2013, 2014, 2016, Add blue, DPF Intact, EGR ON, DPF ON, 2011, 2015, New Diesel, LML, Emisssions Intact Tuning, Diesel Tuning, how to get more power from my duamax, How to get more power from my Duramax, what are some upgrades I can go to my LML?, Urea, 2012, Delete, DPF Delete, Urea Delete, LML Tuning, Emissions Intact, EGR, LML Power
Did you know there is no reason to delete the emissions from your 2011-2016 Duramax?
DuramaxTuner.com's SPADE is capable of adding up to 135HP to your EMISSIONS INTACT LML.
Actually, more and more people are tuning their 2011 + Duramax (LML) with the emissions equipment intact. This is a great option for Duramax owners that would like a nice, quiet, reliable, efficient truck that performs well every time. However, many LML Owners have some basic questions prior to pursining emissions intact tuning.
5 Q&A's about Diesel Emissions Equipment
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 17, 2016 3:42:39 PM / by Paul Wilson
Diesel Emissions Equipment has changed drastically through out the years and it can be very hard to keep up with what the equipment is and how it works. The EGR was introduced in 2004.5, then the DPF in 2007.5, and our current system rolled out in 2011 which includes DEF. This lack of understanding has lead to many myths, half-truths, and misunderstandings of how emissions equipment impacts your diesel pickup.
How to save fuel on the farm!
[fa icon="calendar'] May 28, 2016 5:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, combine tuning, Emissions Intact, tractor, versatile, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case
Small farmers have a tough time making their passion profitable. Varying market prices, harsh weather conditions and rising cost of goods can become a true strain on the farm.
Since the beginning of agriculture farmers have been finding ways to cut cost and increase production. This concept is what has driven innovation on the farm. However, with as many advances and "life hacks" that have been established, the cost of fuel is ever rising. Even with today's high tech, computer controlled equipment, the cost of fuel can still be staggering.
Some other great articles about tractor fuel consumption:
BEFORE diving into saving fuel, you will want to gather as much detail as you can about how much fuel is currently costing you. This means knowing more than just how much you spend on fuel each year, quarter, or month, but knowing how much fuel each tractor uses for each task. To download a tracker that will help you narrow in on your most costly activities check out the Performance Tracker below.
Can Your Tractor Ever Really Have Enough Power?
[fa icon="calendar'] May 20, 2016 12:50:01 PM / by Paul Wilson posted in john deere, case, new holland, Tuner for Combine, Tuner for Sprayer, case ih, tractor tuner, combine tuner, tractor tuning, Tuner for Versatile, tractor, Tuner for tractor, Tuner for John Deere, Tuner for Case
Custom Tuning for Tractors!
[fa icon="calendar'] May 17, 2016 5:07:29 PM / by Danny Voss
This is for farmers that have equipment in the field that is being challenged. This is for farmers that spend way too much on DIESEL fuel! If your motor boggs down - or you have to constantly downshift to get the desired RPM you want - this is for you! If you are sick about the money you spend on diesel fuel - THIS IS FOR YOU!
Here are some VIDEOS of how we ADD power and save time in the field:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx_Gt4R9RVM
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8ygTgRt8so