The Diesel Performance Podcast sponsored by Calibrated Power Solutions has been a hit! We currently have over 70 episodes and counting. Our $15k Budget Build was such a hit, we wanted to do a $30k and possibly frame out a higher priced build show in the future. Thank you for listening!
Diesel Performance Podcast $30K Budget Build Episode
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 14, 2016 5:09:00 PM / by Danny Voss posted in Mods, switchable tuning, What should i do first, Duramax Power, How to get more power from my Duramax, LBZ, 2006 Cummins Tuning, Stealth, Best tuning for
6 Things To Know Before Upgrading Your Duramax Turbo!
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 9, 2016 10:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Duramax Performance, LLY, duramaxtuner, LML, LBZ, Turbo, Stock Turbo, Stealth 64, Turbo Wheel, LB7, Stealth
Stock Duramax Turbo Upgrades!
Duramax owners are generally proud of how their stock turbos perform. They spool quickly, run hard and are capable of over 500 RWHP (once you tune it and make a few supporting modifications to handle the power). However, after driving your truck around 520 RWHP for a while, the addiction will creep in and you may find yourself shopping for more power. We all do it! For some, it may not even be about more power, it may be about EGT control under load, or it may just be the factory turbo had an issue and needs to be replaced. If you are anything like me, you will not want to replace it with the factory components if there is an upgraded, after market, charger available.
LBZ Power Recipes
[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2016 5:00:00 AM / by Paul Wilson posted in Duramax, Power, LBZ, LBZ Power, Power Package, Making horse power, Making horse power with
Stage 1 (~430RWHP)- (~430RWHP)- This set of modifications maximizes the value and reliability per dollar on a truck with a stock transmission. Reliable power levels up to 430rwhp can be achieved with this set of parts. The factory transmission parts are the limiting factor.
- Fuel system (suggested) - FASS 150
- Tuning: Stock trans EFILive Tuning / SPADE Jack
Stage 2 (~530RWHP) (~530RWHP) -This set of modifications maximizes the value and reliability per dollar on a truck with a built transmission. Reliable power levels up to 530rwhp can be achieved with this set of parts. The factory turbocharger is the limiting factor. We highly recommend gauges with this setup, as it’s limited turbocharger capacity means it has the potential to run high EGT’s which (left unchecked) can cause engine damage.