Yes, 520 RWHP Tune Only
Yeah, you read that correctly. 520 RWHP on a stock Duramax LML. What once seemed unfathomable is now a reality. These newer trucks keep upping the ante when it comes to how much power it leaves the factory with. What that means to the aftermarket tuning industry is a beefier transmission to put that power to the ground. That means your truck will safely handle the 520 RWHP addition with no problems. It’s not the only reason to tune your truck, but we all know we love those numbers when no modifications other than adding a tuner is necessary.
Tunes Designed For Everyday Diesel Drivers
Power numbers are loved, but so is keeping your diesel truck on the road for a long time. That’s why the guys at Duramaxtuner made sure that your tune pack that comes with the EZ Lynk hardware is catered to your driving. This means in addition to that 520 race tune, you are also receiving an optimized stock tune, a heavy tow tune(+40rwhp) designed to handle towing loads 8,000 lbs and above, a light tow tune(+55rwhp) designed for loads under 8,000 lbs. What is nice about the towing tunes are designed to help manage your EGTs better to help keep your truck running better. You also receive a sport economy tune(+110rwhp), this tune is a high performance street tune designed to balance performance and reliability, throttle sensitivity increased for less throttle input, quicker shifting and less average RPM in daily driving situations. Don’t forget as we mention prior, that +135 rwhp Race tune for fun. The tuning is multifaceted for every type of diesel driver.
This is a highlight you towing/hauling diesel drivers are going to want to pay attention to. Duramaxtuner’s Defuel On tunes for the switchable tuning includes an industry changing designed Smart EGT Control feature. Through their years of extensive knowledge of factory emissions equipment and utilizing the factory post-turbo EGT, they are able to smoothly adjust the proper tables to manage your EGTs automatically. What does this mean to you? It means you no longer need to watch your EGTs or worry about downshifting as this feature does it for you, effectively lowering EGTs and bringing back power!
One Of The Best Data Loggers
It’s great that most tuning hardware and software is available, but how easy are they to use? With the slick user interface of EZ Lynk on your smartphone or tablet, you can log your truck in case of any issues you may be experiencing. It’s easy using the data logger via the EZ Lynk app, just select the gauges your tuner specifies to see and log issues. Things like a drop in rail pressure, boost leaks, etc. This software allows your to log what problems you are experiencing and send them to your tuner to help identify with you what the problem is and how to fix it. It’s the most user friendly data logger on the market.
Instant Tune Updates
Everything these days is in the cloud. Pictures, video, blog posts, etc. Now your tuning is as well. How does this benefit me you may ask? It means you get immediate access to your tuning. Loaded via cloud based you’ll see your tunes quicker than ever so you may flash your truck instantaneously. Another nice feature of the tunes being cloud based is when there is an update to your LML’s tuning, you are notified once the tunes are uploaded to the cloud. No more waiting for updates, less time between receiving updates, and ease of access to improved tuning on your Duramax. It’s the best way of receiving your tunes.
If you would like to learn more about tuning your Duramax with EZ Lynk, click the button above and a knowledgeable diesel expert will contact you regarding any question you may have.